
Data Awareness Training

Cancer Research UK (Cancer Intelligence team) and The Health Foundation have worked together on a set of training slides which they would like to share with others.   Based on the Five Safes framework, these cover the following aspects of accessing data in a Safe Setting:

  • The Five Safes:  how this framework (originally developed by Professor Felix Ritchie at the ONS) provides a useful information governance framework
  • About data:  why are some data more ‘sensitive’ than others?  how does the law apply? why are different ways of accessing the data? (covering Safe Data and Safe Projects)
  • Safe People: what do we expect from people accessing sensitive data?
  • Safe Outputs:  what is Statistical Disclosure Control (SDE)?  Why is it important for analytical/research outputs released from a Safe Setting?  How is SDC undertaken (this links to our SDC Handbook).

The materials include the slides and assessments used by Cancer Intelligence and The Health Foundation; you can take these materials and adapt to your own circumstances.

Safe Researcher Training

Professor Felix Ritchie (formerly of ONS and now at University of West of England) has co-ordinated the development of a new Safe Researcher Training course.  This must be undertaken by anybody wishing to access ONS sensitive data.

You can find the materials here:

Other course materials

We know that a few other services have their own training.  We’re happy to post other services’ training material on this website.  Please just contact us if you wish to do so.